A wealthy CEO faces a criminal investigation amid tragedy, trauma, and a supernatural threat. The Usher family learns an informant lurks among them.
Motivated by money and revenge, Perry hosts an exclusive masque-rave that takes a twisted turn. A young Roderick pitches a revolutionary new opioid.
In charge of the Ushers' publicity, Camille conspires to spin controversy in her family's favor and expose the grim details of her sister's experiments.
Leo adopts a black cat who soon brings evil--and a mysterious woman--into his home, while Roderick struggles with terrifying hallucinations.
Victorine inches closer to testing her heart technology on a patient until tensions erupt between her and Alessandra. Dupin makes a chilling confession.
Pym digs up disturbing information on Verna. With her marriage on the decline, Tamerlane hosts a turbulent product launch that shatters expectations.
A furious Frederick sets out to handle unfinished business. Madeline receives an ominous message at an old haunt. Dupin grows wary of Roderick's motives.
In 1980, Roderick and Madeline seize a chance to cement their fortune--for a price. Decades later, the remaining Ushers reckon with the consequences.
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